On January 17, 2024, the North American Electric Reliability Corp. (NERC) submitted to the Federal Energy Reulatiory Commission (FERC) NERC’s plan for setting reliability standards addressing high priority reliability risks for inverter-based resources (IBRs), including wind, solar, and storage.
NERC’s Informational Filing states in part:
This plan, referred to in this filing as the “Order No. 901 Work Plan,” is a detailed, comprehensive standards development plan that explains how NERC will develop new or modified Reliability Standards to address the following four broad topic areas related to IBRs identified in Order No. 901: (1) data sharing; (2) data and model validation; (3) planning and operational studies; and (4) performance. The Order No. 901 Work Plan also explains how NERC will prioritize the development of projects consistent with the timelines specified in the order.
The plan is in response to a FERC decision directing NERC to develop new and revised reliability standards.
See NERC filing here: https://www.nerc.com/FilingsOrders/us/NERC%20Filings%20to%20FERC%20DL/NERC%20Compliance%20Filing%20Order%20No%20901%20Work%20Plan_packaged%20-%20public%20label.pdf
See FERC order here: https://www.ferc.gov/media/e-1-rm22-12-000