On November 8, 2021, The National Association of Regulatory Utility Commissioners (NARUC) Emergency Preparedness, Recovery, and Resiliency Task Force announced the release of two new publications: Federal Funding Opportunities Guidebook and Lessons Learned from the Ongoing Response to the COVID-19 Crisis.
The two publications were released at NARUC’s 133rd Annual Meeting and Education Conference, held in Louisville, Kentucky.
NARUC’s press release states: “The EPRR Task Force was formed in April of 2020 in response to recent extreme weather events, natural disasters and the national emergency from the COVID-19 pandemic. These events have heightened the nation’s collective awareness of the need for access to energy and the importance of ensuring the continued delivery of essential energy services. The final ‘lessons learned’ style report of the Subcommittee on COVID-19 details key lessons learned for state commissions from the ongoing response to the COVID-19 crisis. The scope of the analysis includes workforce issues, changing business practices, low- to moderate-income customer impacts, regulatory responses, utility financial approaches to pandemic response and other key challenges.”
See the NARUC press release here:
See the Federal Funding Opportunities for Pre- and Post-Disaster Resilience Guidebook here:
See the Lessons Learned from the Ongoing Response to the COVID-19 Crisis here: https://pubs.naruc.org/pub/99B5206E-1866-DAAC-99FB-E08F3EAF718C