On January 23, 2020, the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) endorsed the work of the North American Electric Reliability Corporation (NERC) and approved two reliability standards in an effort to ensure the continued reliability and security of the nation’s bulk power system.
In the NERC 2019 Five-Year Performance Assessment (RR19-7-000), FERC recognized NERC’s ability in the development and enforcement of Reliability Standards and also found that NERC’s Regional Entities continue to meet the requirements as the authority responsible for enforcing the standards. NERC is now in its 13th year as the Electric Reliability Organization (ERO).
In addition, FERC approved reliability standards for Transmission System Planning Performance Requirements (RM19-10-000, TPL-001-5) and Cyber Security – Communications between Control Centers (RM18-20-000, CIP-012-1). FERC also issued a Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (RM19-16-000) to approve NERC’s proposal to retire 74 of the 77 Reliability Standards in effort to eliminate redundancy and limited benefits.
See FERC Press Release here: