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CPUC Adopts Order Initiating a Rulemaking Regarding Natural Gas, Safety, Reliability, and Planning

On January 16, 2020, the California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) adopted the “Order Instituting Rulemaking To Establish Policies, Processes, And Rules To Ensure Safe And Reliable Gas Systems In California And Perform Long-Term Gas System Planning”.

The Order states in part: “Thus, in order to ensure safe and reliable natural gas service at just and reasonable rates in California, the Commission will (1) develop and adopt updated reliability standards that reflect the current and prospective operational challenges to gas system operators; (2) determine the regulatory changes necessary to improve the coordination between gas utilities and gas-fired electric generators; and (3) implement a long-term planning strategy to manage the state’s transition away from natural gas-fueled technologies to meet California’s decarbonization goals.”


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